Happy New Year!!

Hello Hello!!

So when you look over my page I don't think you will find what you expect. It is just full of Frankie. Some stuff real or not. Some of you will see there is a darker side to me that you didn't know about but I am still the same fun loving girl you know. Ü hee hee

Friday, May 16, 2008

Catching Up

Alright lets just catch everyone up on where my life is right now...I just quit my job--yikes! Now I am moving back in with my parents--double yikes!! I am going to start going to school full time so I can get out of that hell hole in half the time. YAY ME!
If you heard I was pregnant what you heard was true but I am sad to say that we did lose the baby. That kinda messed me up in the head so im sorting that out right now. Alex and I are currently on a "break". What does a break even mean?? I just feel like I am stuck in the limbo. Its a constant love tango. At least there is passion in the tango though right?
Im not really sure what to do.
Adults always sit there and tell me how I know where I am going in my life, but to be honest I have no idea. If you asked me five months ago I would have though--then my life kinda just fell to peices. But I am ready to grow, learn, and move on. I just need to become a stronger person from everything I have been going through.God is love.

1 comment:

weese said...

I know what you mean about not knowing where you are going in life. That is the exact reason I am moving to Oregon. Hopefully I will figure it out there. Keep on going, you are doing fine.